15 Inspiring Picasso Quotes for Kids

For all his genius, Picasso doesn’t exactly come across as a nice guy, from what we’ve read. So while we’re certainly not suggesting you hold up Picasso as a “how to live” role model for your kids, there’s no denying the guy said some insightful things!

His ideas about life, personal development, and the power of our minds over our lives and reality were particularly inspiring in our opinion!

Reading through these quotes, it’s clear to us how much Picasso considered mindset and the power of thought in his life and work. Which makes him the perfect artist to share with kids who are developing their own ideas about the power of mindset, a lifetime of learning, and positive thinking.

In this post, we’ve curated 15 inspiring Pablo Picasso quotes to share with your kids. We hope you enjoy!

Inspirational Picasso Quotes for Children: Quotes About Life, Creativity & More

1. Everything you can imagine is real

One reading of this Picasso quote is the idea that, “if you can dream it, you can do it.”

If you like that interpretation, feel free to share it with your kids when they’re creating something with playdough or building blocks.

However, that isn’t necessarily what Picasso meant with this quote.

Another interpretation is what exists in the mind is real, in and of itself.

However you interpret this quote, it’s a lovely reminder for your kids about the power of thought and imagination.

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, Everything You Can Imagine Is Real.

2. He can who thinks he can, and can’t who thinks he can’t.

If you want to instil a growth mindset in your kids, this quote is perfect. As with some of the other Picasso quotes above and below, this one touches on the power of our thoughts and mind.

It’s important to remind our kids that if they think they can, they can! And just as importantly, if they think they can’t, they probably can’t.

Maybe a good reminder for your little one when they are using climbing toys, ready to take on a new challenge!

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, He Can Who Thinks He Can, And He Can't Who Thinks He Can't.

3. Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.

This quote will inspire your kids to look at the world with creativity, and to develop a sense of inquisitiveness.

In life, don’t simple consider what exists already – consider what could be!

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, Others Have Seen What Is And Asked Why. I Have Seen What Could Be And Asked Why Not.

4. Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.

This is probably one of the most famous Picasso quotes – one that strikes us immediately as being true.

Children are gifted with boundless imagination and creativity – something that many of us lose as we become adults.

This is a lovely reminder to a child that the imagination they have today is a gift!

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, Every Child Is An Artist. The Problem Is How To Remain An Artist Once We Grow Up.

5. Inspiration exists. But it has to find you working.

If your kids have big goals, this quote is a gentle reminder that big accomplishments take work, not luck.

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, Inspiration Exists, But It Has To Find You Working.

6. Action is the foundational key to all success.

When facing a difficult decision or fork in the road, it can be tough to know which direction is the right one.

This quote reminds us of our Albert Einstein quotes for kids: Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

Sometimes, taking any action is the best action!

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, Action Is The Foundational Key To All Success.

7. I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.

Giving your kids the gift of a growth mindset means teaching them that they can become better at things with practice.

Babyhood and toddlerhood is full of learning new things. From learning the basics like learning to use a baby spoon or transition from a bottle to sippy cup, to understanding concepts like cause and effect or learning to count, children are always learning!

Picasso embraced this idea, and worked at becoming better at things he wasn’t naturally gifted in.

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, I Am Always Doing That Which I Cannot Do, In Order That I May Learn How To Do It.

8. Give me a museum and I’ll fill it.

We love this quote as a piece of wall art near your child’s desk or art area!

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, Give Me A Museum And I'll Fill It

9. What one does is what counts.

This is actually part of a larger quote which reads, ““What one does is what counts. Not what one had the intention of doing.”

It’s another reminder that action is what matters in life!

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, What One Does Is What Counts

10. Everything is a miracle.

Picasso most likely said this quote in response to art critics, to explain how he creates his artistic worlds.

More fully, the quote reads: “Everything is a miracle. It is a miracle that one does not dissolve in one’s bath like a lump of sugar.”

Whatever his intention, it’s a lovely and uplifting quote, and a way of looking at the world.

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, Everything Is A Miracle

11. Youth has no age.

Another Picasso quote that shows this artist was probably a big believer in a growth mindset.

Age is just a number!

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, Youth Has No Age

12. It takes a very long time to become young.

As we get older, the realities of life beat us down. Paying the bills, dealing with loss and failures, and life not turning out the way we wanted it to all takes its toll.

It takes a strong mind and positive attitude to not let these parts of life affect us, and to retain the curiosity and positivity that comes naturally to a child.

It’s a worthy goal!

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, It Takes A Very Long Time To Become Young

13. I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else.

It’s natural in life that our goals and ideas will evolve and change, and sometimes the place we thought we’d end up morphs into something else entirely.

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, I Begin With An Idea And Then It Becomes Something Else

14. There is only one way to see things, until someone shows us how to look at them with different eyes.

When your child is stuck with a problem, this quote will help them try to look at a situation with a different perspective.

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, There Is Only One Way To See Things, Until Someone Shows Us How To Look At Them With Different Eyes

15. The meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose of life is to give it away.

Teach your children to find meaning in finding and honing their natural gifts, and developing those skills that aren’t natural through work and practice.

But also teach them the joy and satisfaction in sharing those gifts with others!

A pinterest pin with an inspirational Pablo Picasso quote for kids written in black text on a colorful watercolor background. The text reads, The Meaning Of Life Is To Find Your Gift, The Purpose Of Life Is To Give It Away

Which of these Picasso quotes is your favorite? Did we miss any that you’d like to share?

If you liked this article, we hope you’ll share it with the kids and parents in your life.

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