Baby showers were like a women’s only party, but with time, the inclusion of men and kids has made this a genuinely jovial celebration for any soon-to-be mother.
These parties are usually filled with good food, music, gifts, and; you guessed it right – games.
These baby-themed games are the main factor that keeps everyone entertained in baby showers. However, standard run-of-the-mill baby shower games have lost their charm because of repetition.
Therefore to make your next baby shower more lively and entertaining, we have compiled a great list of 24 exciting baby shower games.
Co-ed Baby Shower Games
#1 Mama’s Secret Cravings
Having weird and strange cravings during pregnancy is a norm, but how about surprising the mom-to-be with a fun-filled game revolving around this idea?
Round two of this game will surely leave a flavorful tang on the guests’ tongues.
You will need:
- Pens
- Paper
- Your choice of food and snacks
How to play it:
- Distribute pen and paper amongst the attendees and let the mom describe her pregnancy cravings without naming the food.
- The participant with the most accurate guesses wins the prize.
- Additionally, for round two, you can set up a mini cravings bar where the attendees can taste some of the craziest cravings the mom-to-be has had in the past. The person who shall devour the most wins the round.
#2 Is It Mom Or Dad?
This activity is a perfect baby shower game for co-ed baby showers that require minimal preparation. In addition, the game can be an ideal bonding exercise for all the guests that were invited to the baby shower.
You can keep an accurate track of the results or just keep everything casual and have a blast, according to your liking.
You will need:
- Paper
- Pen
- Customized questionnaire
- Printer
How to play it:
- Type out a list of exciting questions with an answer column of ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ at the bottom of each question.
- A few examples of questions: “Who will be the most skilled diaper changer?” “Who will be more strict?”
- Print out the questionnaire beforehand and distribute it amongst the guests during game time.
- Set a timer and allow them to jot down the answers. The next step is to collect these printouts.
- Read the answers aloud and calculate the correct answers. The person with the most accurate assumptions wins the game.
#3 Quickest Delivery
Some moms are petrified about going through the entire delivery process, but a baby shower is a great time to ease their fear with this fun-filled game.
You will need:
- Balloons
- Air pump
How to play it:
- Inflate a bunch of balloons with an air pump before the party starts.
- Distribute the balloons amongst the players and help them place the balloon inside the shirt.
- Once everyone has a balloon inside their shirt, you can turn on the timer and ask the participants to wiggle, move, or push the balloon on the floor without using their hands.
- The first player to successfully deliver the balloon baby wins the round.
#4 Don’t Say The Word! – Baby Edition
Don’t Say The Word! – Baby Edition is an excellent ongoing game that your attendees can play from the beginning of the function. The game stays on even while eating, drinking, or chatting with other guests, so players should be cautious with their words!
You will need:
- Baby themed clothespin
- A giant poster with the rules of the game
How to play it:
- Decide the taboo word you wish to select and print it out for the guests to see.
- Give five clothespins to each attendee as they enter the party premises and instruct them to avoid saying the forbidden word.
- A few examples of the word can be baby, adorable, congratulations, cute, etc.
- The guests can watch each other and catch the person who says these words during the party. The person who witnessed the other guest using the word can demand one clothespin per word.
- The attendee with the most clothespins at the end of the baby shower wins the game.
#5 What Will Your Baby Look Like?
What Will Your Baby Look Like is an exciting game that revolves around the idea of seeing the baby’s possible face structure and features by combining the mom and dad’s faces.
You will need:
- Plain papers
- Glue
- Scissor
- Several printouts of mom and dad’s closeup picture
- Ziploc bag
How to play it:
- Before the party, create various sets of picture cutouts for the attendees. You can do that by slicing the printout into 2 cm thick stripes of both the parents.
- Put both the parents’ sliced picture stripes in a Ziploc bag along with plain paper and glue.
- Give one Ziploc bag per person and ask them to glue the stripes by using both parents’ faces.
- Once people are done sticking, the parents-to-be can judge the hilarious one and cherish the rest of the pictures throughout the pregnancy.
#6 The Lightning McQueen Of Drinking
Adults love to drink, so don’t shun your attendees and parents-to-be from drinking during the baby shower. However, ensure that the game includes drinks like milk, soft drinks, juices, or sparkling water.
You will need:
- Baby bottles
- Beverages of your choice
How to play:
- Fill the baby bottles with a beverage of your choice. Each participant should get one bottle per head.
- Align them in a straight line and start the timer.
- The winner shall be the first person who finishes sucking the beverage from the bottle.
- To spice up the game, you can divide the crowd into two teams and allow them to pit against each other.
Artsy Baby Shower Games
#7 Baby’s First Quilt
This artsy game is a perfect little activity if your guests are artistically blessed.
Fret not; everyone can play this game even if they know nothing about drawing. We are sure the baby’s going to love its first-ever quilt!
You will need:
- Fabric squares, preferably cotton
- Fabric pens
- Embroidery threads and needles
How to play:
- Gather the guests in a circle and distribute the fabric squares to each person.
- Let each person decorate their square with unique designs and particular themes. You can also ask the guests to weave a quick embroidery pattern if they are adept with it.
- Collect these squares and later stitch them together to create a colorful quilt that is more special than any store-bought quilt.
#8 Clay Play
Clay Play is a perfect game to channel your inner child and get creative with molding clay.
You will need:
- Molding clay
- Sculpting tools
How to play it:
- Grab multiple packs of molding clay and create a group of two.
- Distribute one box to each team and ask them to create a cute yet funky baby in ten minutes.
- Upon finishing, the mom-to-be shall judge and give prizes based on the looks.
#9 Diaper Notes
Decorating a diaper with cute, funny, or encouraging notes can be a good idea for the soon-to-be tired mom and dad!
You will need:
- Diapers
- Pens
- Markers
- Stickers
How to play it:
- Hand out unused diapers to the guests and request them to write funny sayings or words of encouragement for the parents to read after the baby is born.
- The most inspirational or funny saying will be the winner and earn a place on the mantle for a year.
#10 Dec-a-Cake- Baby Edition!
The saying – “Don’t play with your food,” doesn’t apply to fun baby shower parties!
You will need:
- Plain cupcakes
- Frosting
- Decoration
- Mini plastic baby
How to play it:
- Take one cupcake from the batch and place the baby inside by scooping out the middle part.
- Give each participant a plain cupcake with essential decoration materials and frosting.
- Let the participants decorate the cupcake according to their will. Once everyone is fished with their artwork, let the mom-to-be decide who’s the winner.
- Later, when everyone enjoys their cupcake, the person who finds the baby shall be the next in line to be a parent. This game is a fun baby spin on ‘catching the bouquet’ at the wedding.
Virtual Baby Shower Games
#11 Guess The Storybook
Allow your guest attendees to relive their childhood with this virtual baby shower game. Include titles that the attendees are familiar with, so popular and classics are your best bets.
You will need:
- A list of famous children’s book
- Powerpoint
How to play it:
- Before the baby shower, you need to create multiple slides for each book. But instead of writing the title of the book, write clues using images and emojis in the presentation.
- During the baby shower, play these slides and let people guess the book’s title.
- Players can then hold the answers up to the camera for everyone to see.
- The person with the most accurate answer wins the game.
#12 Virtual Scavenger Hunt
This fun little adventure game will surely leave the party in splits, given you come up with the most exciting questions. You can take help from friends to help you brainstorm fun questions for the baby shower.
You will need:
- A list of baby items
- Timer
How to play it:
- The game host must keep the list of baby items and announce one when it’s someone’s turn. The person then has 1 minute to find the thing that can work for the category.
- Few examples: “A suitable toy that isn’t a toy” or “A makeshift diaper.”
- Be astounded with the things your attendees bring and let the mom-to-be decide the winner.
Baby Shower Games For Large Group
#13 Never Have I Ever – Baby Shower Edition
Never Have I Ever – Baby Shower Edition is a cleaned-up version of never have I ever. It is bound to make all the guests nostalgic.
The baby shower edition shall include topics related to funny or crazy things that the attendees have done as parents.
You will need:
- Baby bottle
- Baby food like applesauce
How to play it:
- Spin the baby bottle and whoever is facing the tip of the bottle needs to answer the questions.
- Here are some relevant questions: “Never have I ever run an errand to get away from the kids, or never have I ever eaten all my child’s treats.”
- The person who has done the said things in the question will have to eat a spoonful of the baby food.
#14 Fun Baby Shower Scramble
The classic scramble game is a perfect activity for people who love table games. Simply place the paper on the table and let people solve the words while scratching their heads.
You will need:
- Paper
- Pen
- Timer
- Printer
- A list of words
How to play it:
- Decide on a few exciting words related to the baby or baby shower and jumble them on paper.
- You can then print the page and distribute it amongst the guests.
- Set the timer and let the people guess the words mixed in the box.
- The participant who figures out the most words in the least amount of time wins the challenge.
#15 Remember The Order
This game is purely about who pays the most attention and who amongst the party attendees has a detail-oriented eye!
You will need:
- Baby items
- Clothesline
- Clothespin
How to play it:
- Display the baby shower gifts like baby pants, shirts, bags, diapers, and more on a clothesline.
- In the middle of the party, remove the items displayed on the clothesline and ask people to remember and arrange them in the correct order.
- Find out who is the most detail-oriented and pays close attention to random things. The person with the most accurate line-up will be the winner.
#16 Don’t Deliver The Baby
This game is the complete opposite of the “Quickest Delivery” game mentioned in the list. In “Don’t Deliver The Baby,” guests have to keep the baby balloon intact under their shirts while completing a task assigned to them.
You will need:
- Chairs
- Balloons
How to play it:
- Before beginning the game, lay a course with a line at both the yard ends. Set up a neat row of chairs to the side as well.
- Players need to remove their shoes at one end and walk to the other end of the yard.
- Once they reach the other end, the host can fill a balloon with water and put it under the participant’s shirt.
- Players then have to race to their shoes, sit on one of the chairs, put their boots on and race back again to the finish point.
- The first participant to reach the finish line without dropping the balloon baby wins the game.
#17 Diaper Goal
No baby shower is complete without using diapers at the party. Thus, to keep the spirits up, we have an exciting game that will keep all the fathers and men entertained at the party.
You will need:
- Several diapers
- Three diaper pails
- Masking tape
How to play it:
- Before starting the game, open a dozen diapers and pour a cup of water into each one.
- The next step is to roll them up and tape them shut using masking tape.
- Place all three diaper pails in a horizontal line. You can also use baskets in the absence of diaper pails.
- Chalk out a line and ask the guests to stand behind it. Distribute the rolled diapers amongst the participants and ask them to make a goal within a short time.
- The person who goals the most within a minute wins the round!
#18 Baby And Bets!
Baby And Bets! is a fun little activity that you can team with any other set of games for a quick, entertaining round. The game is simple, where you ask your guests to assume the baby’s characteristics according to the parents’ physical traits.
You will need:
- A large cardstock
- Pens and markers
How to play it:
- Draw a neat calendar grid on your cardstock and give ample space for writing down the characteristics.
- Calculate the guests and let each attendee get a separate empty box on the chart.
- The guest has to write their name, approximate delivery date, gender, length, weight, and eye color of the baby.
- After the mom-to-be gives birth to the baby, you can compare the actual measurements with the chart and declare a winner based on the closest assumption.
Unconventional Baby Shower Games
#19 Who’s Watching Their Baby?
Our first unconventional baby shower game is: “Who’s Watching Their Baby,” wherein the host calculates the number of fake babies each participant can collect by the end of the baby shower.
You will need:
- Tiny plastic babies
How to play it:
- Each guest will be asked to take a tiny baby as soon as they arrive.
- The participants must keep that baby with them at all times. They need to either hold the baby or arrange it somewhere on their bodies. Putting the baby in the pockets is not allowed.
- If a person puts the baby down somewhere or if it falls, other guests can quickly steal the person’s baby and claim it as their own.
- Every person who has at least one baby gets a prize while the person with the most babies wins the round and collects the biggest prize.
#20 Two Truths And A Lie- Baby Edition
Sometimes, your guests want to sit and enjoy a simple game of two truths and a lie. We have a little twist where the truths and lies must be related to parenthood, children, baby stories, etc.
You will need:
- Chart paper
- Pen
How to play it:
- Assemble your guests and distribute chart paper and pens to each group or individual.
- Start the game and write down all the possible lies that you can catch.
- Whoever gets the most accurate lies wins the game. This game is a perfect ‘breaking the ice game’ at the start of any baby shower.
#21 Paint The Toes – Big Belly Edition
Everyone loves nail polish, so why not turn this baby shower into a mini nail care session with this game. We encourage men to get their hands messy and colorful in this unconventional baby shower game.
You will need:
- Multiple nail polish colors
- Nail polish remover
- Cotton pads
- Balloons
How to play it:
- Fill all the balloons with water and tie them inside the participants’ shirts and tops.
- Give each guest one vibrant color and ask them to sit on a chair and try painting their toenails.
- The balloon will indeed cause a playful hindrance while people try to reach their hands to their toes.
- The person who does the cleanest nail painting job without bursting the balloon wins the game.
#22 Real Ice Ice Baby
This cold and ice-laden game is perfect for summer baby showers where the guests get to play with lots of ice.
You will need:
- Mini plastic babies
- A few sets of ice cube trays
How to play it:
- The hosts should freeze all the tiny plastic babies into ice cubes. Remember to freeze one baby per ice cube.
- Remove these ice cubes from the trays and put them in a large bowl.
- Start the timer and let multiple guests compete against each other.
- The person who melts the most ice cubes with their hands to take out the babies wins the game.
#23 Baby Time Capsule
This activity is a perfect way to remind the parents and tell their newborn kids how life was before the baby’s birth.
You will need:
- A treasure box
- Memorabilia from the guests
How to play it:
- Ask the guests to bring any cultural or topical memorabilia while coming to the baby shower.
- Collect all the items from the guests and place them securely in a treasure box. Don’t forget to click a group polaroid picture of everyone holding their gifts. Drop the image on top of all the items and lock it in.
- After a few years, the parents can open this time capsule and relive the memories while sharing them with the guests.
#24 Pregnant Twister
Pregnant Twister can be a great activity if your guests love playing games that require body, muscles, and flexibility.
You will need:
- Twister board game
- A few fanny packs
- A few sets of wrist weights
- Pillows
How to play it:
- Distribute one fanny pack, pillow, and wrist weights to each person. Ask them to put the wrist weights on their wrist and tie a pillow with a fanny pack as a belt.
- The players then have to play the game Twister without falling.
- The last person who doesn’t fall with this extra weight wins the game.
That was our list of 24 baby shower games that can turn any standard baby shower into a fun and entertaining function within seconds.
We recommend choosing a category you wish to go for or mixing multiple games from each category for added variety!